September Impact Report
Anyone can become a victim of human trafficking, however systemic inequalities and disparities make certain groups much more vulnerable to exploitation. Extreme poverty, limited access to education and job opportunities, and violence are all factors that make individuals susceptible to trafficking.
These past few months, we have made huge strides in our education components, expanding our Academy lessons from Mumbai to Tijuana and Kampala. Our Academy focuses on teaching women holistically, providing lessons in not just literacy, mathematics and science but also health and well-being.
September Highlights
Mathematics Lessons in Tijuana:
Addition and subtraction are a standard lesson in Elementary schools, yet many of the women in our program struggle with the basics. With the increased focus on education, our Tijuana Sanctuary Director, Karen, has introduced math lessons to make up for these gaps. By mastering these basics, each woman is growing in her independence and confidence to move forward in her life.
Blooming Leaders:
One of the quieter girls in our Mumbai Sanctuary, Jasmine* has started leading our Motivational Monday calls, our weekly calls to build a positive community through Zoom. We have been coaching her to grow in confidence as she serves others. She shared with the community about her journey of being unmotivated to her newfound excitement of taking on new challenges and opportunities.
Partial Re-Opening of our Sanctuaries:
We have been able to partially re-open in Tijuana, Kampala, and Mumbai. This allows for small groups to come together in the Sanctuary to begin working on PURPOSE Jewelry, hosting in-person Academy lessons, and bring a little bit of “normal” back into our lives.
Dispersing Masks in our Community:
A generous partner in Orange County provided hundreds of masks to our Tijuana Sanctuary to use and disperse in the local community. There is a clinic near our Sanctuary which helps immigrants and homeless where we donated 200 of the masks.
Exploring Productivity:
Utilizing the book, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, the young women in our Mumbai Sanctuary are working to identify areas where they can grow in efficiency and effectiveness.
Celebrating India’s Independence Day!
Our Mumbai Sanctuary took time to reflect upon India’s Independence Day on August 15. To reflect, we asked each woman what she is thankful for this Independence Day.