2019-20 Annual Report

Dear Faithful Supporters,

As we look back over this past year, I am in awe of the courage of each individual woman in our Sanctuaries, the hundreds of faithful financial partners, and the thousands of loyal customers. The efforts to bring hope, dignity, and freedom to girls and women around the world would not be possible without the collective support from the International Sanctuary community.

The 2019-20 Annual Report reflects the lives transformed through the growth of our Sanctuaries around the world. This past year, our Sanctuaries in India, Orange County, Uganda, and Mexico served a total of 179 young women escaping human trafficking. Through the four pillars of our program (income, education, health, and community) they learned to heal, grow, and thrive as they developed healthy relationships. Thank you for believing in the dignity and worth of each woman and supporting them as they achieve what they never thought was possible.

As we look toward a post-COVID world, we know that more people are living in poverty and experiencing desperation, resulting in extremely vulnerable girls and women. International Sanctuary seeks to respond to this growing need, through intervention, before girls fall prey to this horror. We thank you for standing with us as we continue to accomplish our mission empowering girls and women to embrace their true identity and worth.

With immense gratitude,

Wendy Dailey

President & Co-Founder


Save the Date - Giving Tuesday


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