September 2023

September 2023

Stepping out of the boat

Five. That’s how many children Martha was raising when she joined us in 2017. At first, her attendance at our Sanctuary in Uganda was sporadic. To her, we were merely a means of livelihood, a pause before the next life chapter. Her engagement was minimal.

Around 2019, things changed. With a focus on preparing women in our Sanctuaries for the future, we began mentoring them to grow in excellence and plan towards their goals - both personal as well as within the Sanctuary.

Surprisingly, Martha embraced this direction and soon emerged in the Sanctuary as one of the two most adept artisans in soldering—a complex skill in the production of our handmade jewelry. Around the same time, she was inspired into entrepreneurship and set up her own business of selling charcoal.

It showed us - and Martha - that when she set her mind to it, she was able to be someone who could think on her feet and persevere toward her goals!

Though her initial business endeavor didn't unfold as anticipated, it propelled her onto a path where she was willing to seize every opportunity and persevere amid adversity.Driven to secure capital for her business, she set her focus on saving for it.

So in 2021, when we introduced our business mentorship program in Kampala, Martha was among the first to enroll. This was post the Covid-19 lockdowns - a time when countless businesses shuttered. Yet there was Martha, eagerly soaking in how to set up and grow her business, charting her course to graduate out from the Sanctuary.

By January 2022, Martha had identified her business -wooden boards, had lined up a supplier, as well as a shop to work out of!

She was all set! She asked us for a small loan to manage cash flow for her first order and diligently paid it all back once she had her business up and running. She had asked whether she could be released earlier from the Sanctuary so that she could focus on the growth opportunities she had before her.

Martha's story is one of determination and resilience.

Thanks to your support, we've been able to walk alongside others like Martha as they find their stride and step out of the boat toward their futures.



Executive Director

There is no knowledge without courage

- A woman from our Sanctuary in  Mumbai, India.


September 2023


August 2023