August 2023

August 2023

Of Chocolates and Trees

“Life is a box of chocolates - you never know what you’re gonna get” - Forrest Gump

While I usually know what’s in my chocolate assortment, I tend to agree with Mr. Gump that life is full of glorious uncertainties.

Around the corner, there's always a twist I could have missed - I need to be able to adapt and roll with the punches.

Having a network is crucial—a safety net to lean into in times of uncertainty - we're not self-made; we are a tapestry of a lifetime of inputs and influences.

Picture it much like a tree; leaves are the people that show up for a reason and a season, making our lives full and bursting with life - adding a pop of color and contributing to our growth before they disappear with the changing season.

Branches spread life around - they’re our support networks and exhibit us to the world. The flowers and the fruit hang on these.

Yet they could crack under pressure and may not be able to support anything apart from the leaves they hold.

And then there are the roots - the unsung heroes. Concealed but unyielding, they anchor and nourish us through life's seasons.

The roots are why the branches and leaves exist.

All three are vital. Leaves come and go, branches might snap, but roots endure.

A tree, at any time, is a function of all these three.

At International Sanctuary, we do whatever it takes to be women's unwavering roots, weathering bends and challenges like Forrest's journey.

You partnering with us enables us to be all this. Speaking life to bring stability and balance into the lives of young women in our Sanctuaries.

Together, we ensure that what they learn becomes the backbone of their resilience for whatever lies ahead.


Max Fernand

Executive Director


September 2023


August 2023