October 2023

October 2023


Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a seed a long time ago.

Warren Buffet

One thing we can count on in this life is - that there will be struggles. Physical battles, mental hurdles, emotional storms, and even those relational tangles. Through it all, we do what we can not to give into them and instead stand tall in strength and victory.

What keeps us going, especially during those tough times, is hope. It's like a lifeline. When we hold onto hope for a better tomorrow, it gives us the courage to tackle today's challenges.

Yet, we know that hope is fragile. The moment I lose hope of a better tomorrow, I surrender to today's battles.

At International Sanctuary, we make it a daily mission to sow the seeds of hope intentionally. We're committed to consistently looking forward so that, in the years to come, every woman we stand beside will reap the bountiful harvest of this hope.

To be consistent in lifting our eyes to the way ahead, so that in the years to come - each of the women we walk alongside will reap the harvest of this hope which they have.

Even long after the women in our Sanctuaries have grown into their own businesses or jobs, they can still plan, save, and diligently work toward their self-set goals, all thanks to the unwavering hope they hold for tomorrow.

So, thank you for joining us on this journey, for walking alongside the women in our three Sanctuaries as they boldly grow towards their own place of dignity and freedom.


Max Fernand

Executive Director

We must adopt sustainable practices that will lead to permanent change.

- A woman from our Sanctuary in Mumbai Sanctuary.




September 2023