5 Non-Traditional Ways to Give

As we go into lockdown once again here in Irvine, we have more time to reflect on the year. As tough a year as this has been, we should celebrate where hope and light have been spread. Our supporters have been one of the brightest lights!

We continue to keep the young women at our Sanctuaries safe and employed, through every roadblock and new lockdown. We have built community in new ways this year that we believe will be even more impactful in the future. There are still many ways you can help!

1. Shop survivor-made holiday gifts from our social enterprise, PURPOSE Jewelry.

The more jewelry we sell, the more jobs we can offer to survivors. 100% of proceeds go to our program.


2. Donate your stocks directly to International Sanctuary.

If someone owns stock for more than one year that has gone up in value, that person can donate the stock to a nonprofit, get a deduction equal to the fair market value of the stock at the time of the transfer (its increased value), and never pay capital gains tax on the appreciated value of the stock. The nonprofit will never owe that capital gains tax either. It can take the stock and either sell it right away and not pay any tax, or it can hold on to it—but it will never owe capital gains tax on the appreciated value the donor realized.

Submit your contact info to the form below and Andrew, Chief Development Officer, will help you with the process.

3. Sign up for Amazon Smile.

Choose International Sanctuary on Amazon Smile, and Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchases back to our program.


(AmazonSmile now works on the mobile app! Click here to learn how to activate AmazonSmile on your mobile phone)

4. Double your gift with Corporate Matching.

Use our new "Employer Matching Finder" to see if your employer will match your gift.

5. Write a note to a survivor.

Share any thoughts or messages for the young women across our program to read before we go on break for the Holidays.

Submit your letter through the form or snail-mail it to 17935 Sky Park Circle, Suite F, Irvine, CA 92614


Give the Gift of Freedom


Double Your Donation with Corporate Matching